Intro / Purpose
• We need a way to see how individual wines are doing this year vs last year
• It is helpful to see the rank of each wine sales compared to others (share) and how they trend one year to the next
• Sales share by wine varies by state, and it would be good to see which states are low compared to peers
Data Used
• Datasource: Sales Transactions
• Key Fields: Wine, Wine Group, Sales Region, State, Sales $ Amt, Date
• Year over Year change in sales share rank (importance of individual wine sales to the total)
• Each wine share of sales by individual state
• How each state compares against the average and others
• Filter by wine
Sample Questions Answered
• What are our most important wines? Has that changed from last year?
• For each wine, what is the sales share % by state? Where are there opportunities to sell more?
• Do any states have an unusual wine mix that we should look into more?
Thanks for viewing!
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