Primary Blog/CCA Approach / Process/Custom Analytics Development

Custom Analytics Development

your business is unique, your analytics should be too

Custom Tableau development to solve unique business need

There is a limitless amount of data available and unlimited ways to visualize and analyze it. With the capabilities and flexibility of Tableau, we have the opportunity to build anything that can be imagined.

Datasource Creation

  • Extract data from various source systems on a schedule
  • Transform data by cleaning, combining, grouping, or changing the structure
  • ​​Load the unique datasource into Tableau for analytics by user community

Advanced Analytics Development

  • Combine multiple datasources on a single dashboard for a 'one stop shop' for related analytics.
  • Build any kind of visual to help the audience understand the key takeaways 
  • Create custom formulas, parameters, filters to slice the data in unique ways
  • View data at multiple levels, from high level overview, to low level deep dive
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Welcome to the
CCA Content Hub

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I created this content hub to offer insights on all things analytics but primarily focused on:
Use Cases
Analytics Best Practices
Tableau Training
Central Coast Analytics Info/Approach

I'd love to hear any feedback  you have on these blog posts or if you have suggestions about future topics!

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