Brewery Analytics

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: Browse examples below and imagine how your team would use them

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: See how a modern analytics platform will enhance data-driven decision making for your team

Distribution Performance Content

See dashboards related to distribution customer & beer demand

Distribution Summary

Data: Distributor Data / VIP
Topics: Overview of sales volume and performance across different segments.
Main Insights: Understand high level overview and quickly drill in to different aspects.

County Sales

Data: Distributor Data / VIP
Topics: Comparing sales into a county to the population in each county.
 Main Insights: See areas that are doing well and where there is opportunity to sell more.

Region Deep Dive

Data: Distributor Data / VIP
Topics: Account level detail on sales volume and performance across different segments.
Main Insights: Deep dive individual accounts and attributes to find actionable insights.

Growth vs Profit

Data: Distributor Data / VIP
Topics: Comparing sales growth to sales per case for different segments.
 Main Insights: Understand what aspects are doing well and highlight areas of concern for further action.

Market Share

Data: Distributor Data / VIP
Topics: Account level ‘Did Buy’ vs ‘Can Buy’ comparison for an individual market.
Main Insights: Understand market share by different segments and target areas of focus.

Customer Segmentation

Data: Distributor Data / VIP
Topics: Categorize full customer population into different segments based on different attributes.
 Main Insights: Understand how different groups of customers are performing and highlight areas of focus.

Taproom Insights

See dashboards related to Taproom customer & beer demand

Location Summary

Data: POS System
Topics: Individual location performance including category detail, trending, and outlier identification.
Main Insights: Location 'health check' and identification of actions based on recent trends.

Taproom Calendar

Data: POS System
Topics: Calendar view of demand including which months, days, and hours are the busiest.
 Main Insights: Understand traffic patterns and staff accordingly.

Demand Summary

Data: POS System
Topics: Summary and performance across main product categories.
Main Insights: Monitor trends and performance across periods.

Beer Summary

Data: POS & Wholesale System
Topics: Beer category sales, margin, barrels with trending and performance info.
Main Insights: Quick understanding of beer category portfolio and ID any beers to deep dive.  

Taproom Control Chart

Data: POS System
Topics: Display of food and beer sales by day over time, highlight outliers from the normal range
Main Insights: Deeper understanding of total demand and variability by day of week and ID outliers to dive into more

Draft Price Analysis

Data: POS System
Topics: Comparison of Taproom price by location, highlights trends and spread of pricing
Main Insights: Quickly understand how pricing is segmented for beer portfolio and how consistent it is

Daily Taproom Demand

Data: POS System
Topics: Recent Taproom demand including top selling beers, busiest hours, employees, and new or returning customers
Main Insights: Quickly see how recent taproom performance has been and ID unusual trends to action further. 

Taproom Draft Density

Data: POS System
Topics: Draft sales by beer and day, highlighting total sales for each beer
Main Insights: Determine if we have any gaps of popular beers on tap or too many/few for a certain beer style

Upsell Tracker

Data: POS System
Topics: Segmentation of each order by what categories are on it; see volume and avg tab of each
Main Insights: Understand the potential for 'upsell' and track how frequently it is occurring

Price 'What If'

Data: POS & Wholesale System
Topics: Understand recent taproom pricing for a beer and test different scenarios to see changes to qty, ASP, and total sales $ 
Main Insights: Confidently model different pricing strategies to see what is most optimal based on assumptions

Combined Demand Content

See all dashboards related to combined POS and Wholesale Demand

Beer Deep Dive

Data: POS & Wholesale System
Topics: Combined demand performance for individual beer including trending, ranking, and comparisons to peer set.
Main Insights: Gain deep insight into a single beer to ID where we can take actions to improve,

Customer Deep Dive

Data: Wholesale System
Topics: Combined demand performance for individual customer including trending, ranking, and comparisons to peer set.
Main Insights: Gain deep insight into a single customer to ID where we can take actions to improve,

Customer Segmentation 

Data: Wholesale System
Topics: Segmenting customers based on recent demand performance and other demographics
Main Insights: Deeper understanding of customer segmentation and ID customer groups to take further actions on. 

Customer Ordering Pattern

Data: Wholesale System
Topics: Comparison of each customer normal ordering pattern to their most recent order to determine who is 'late'
Main Insights: Quickly understand which customers should be followed up with on status of their next order

Customer Margin Explorer

Data: Wholesale System
Topics: Interactive explorer to see how customers relate in terms of sales and margin
Main Insights: Deeper understanding of customer margin performance and ID areas of concern to action. 

Customer Type Margin

Data: Wholesale System
Topics: Comparison of margin amongst different customer groups including trends and main customers
Main Insights: Understand how margin compares by customer type to ID areas of concern to action 

Flagship Performance

Data: POS & Wholesale System
Topics: Combined demand for Flagship beers including comparisons of revenue and cost.
Main Insights: Understand how flagship beers relate and ID beers or actions to research further. 

Customer Comparison

Data: Wholesale System
Topics: Demand performance for wholesale customer groups including trending and purchasing patterns.
Main Insights: Quick understanding of customer portfolio and ID individual customer or groups to deep dive

Financial Content

See all dashboards related to financial monitoring

Income Summary

Data: Financial System
Topics: Display high level P&L components to show performance over time and comparisons to prior periods
Main Insights: Understand income profile and ID areas of concern to dive into more

Open Invoices

Data: Invoicing System
Topics: Display of open invoices data to see future vs late and what customer have the largest balances. 
Main Insights: Quickly understand which customers are behind on their payments that we should contact or not sell to in future

Balance Sheet Summary

Data: Financial System
Topics: Display high level balance sheet components to understand asset vs liability profile, displaying more detail on actionable categories
Main Insights: Understand balance sheet profile and ID areas of concern to dive into more

Taproom Hours vs Revenue

Data: Payroll and POS System
Topics: Comparison of revenue earned vs hours worked for Bar/Drinks and Kitchen functions
Main Insights: Quickly understand how 'efficient' our Bar and Kitchen functions are operating to ID and take needed actions to improve

Expense Summary

Data: Financial System
Topics: Display high level expense information including trending, comparison to sales, and performance to prior period
Main Insights: Monitor main expense categories and ID areas to deep dive to take further actions

Expense Detail

Data: Financial System
Topics: Display detailed expense information including trending, comparison to sales, and performance to prior period
Main Insights: Quickly understand expense categories that are not performing as expected and need attention 

Marketing Content

See all dashboards related to marketing initiatives

Email Campaigns

Data: Email System
Topics: Display information on email campaign performance, trends, and detail on each campaign
Main Insights: Understand performance of our campaigns and take learnings from higher performers to improve future campaigns

Website Traffic

Data: Website Analytics
Topics: Display website traffic performance and trends including how people are navigating to the site and what device type is most common
Main Insights: Monitor website traffic to and ID what is getting the most and least traffic to make adjustments

Customer Survey

Data: Customer Survey
Topics: Sentiment analysis on customer survey information, including how each category scored and change from previous surveys
Main Insights: Understand customer feedback and ID area that should be improved to gain more loyal customers

Location Demographics

Data: ZIP Demographics
Topics: Display ZIP code demographic info for income, population, age, and education
Main Insights: Determine where target customer are located to set distribution, marketing, or location strategies

Operations Content

See all dashboards related to operations activities

Inventory Summary

Data: ERP Source
Topics: High level inventory summary and trend with detail by category, location, and top items
Main Insights: Understand inventory investment trends, ID anything that might be too high to take further action

Finished Beer Inventory

Data: ERP Source
Topics: Display finished beer inventory information including trending for kegs and cans and detail on highest selling beers
Main Insights: Monitor finished beer inventory situation to understand if under/over stocked and action accordingly

Transactions Summary

Data: ERP Source
Topics: High level transactions summary and trend by category including main items purchased, processed, or sold
Main Insights: Understand recent transactions trends and what you are buying, processing, or selling the most of

Finished Beer Transactions

Data: ERP Source
Topics: Display finished beer transactions information including trending for kegs and cans and detail on highest volume beers
Main Insights: Monitor finished beer transactions to see where we have been building or reducing recent inventory 

Item Level Detail

Data: ERP Source
Topics: Inventory and Transactions information for a specific item
Main Insights: Understand all activity for an item to ID if anything stands out to lead to a future action

Human Resources Content

See all dashboards related to human resources information

Employee Survey

Data: Employee Survey
Topics: Employee sentiment analysis on different categories and comparisons to recent periods
Main Insights: Understand how current employees view their situation across critical categories to see what is going well and what needs work

Survey by Department

Data: Employee Survey
Topics: Employee sentiment analysis broken down by department to compare how each scores
Main Insights: Monitor how employees are viewing the business by department to see if anything stands out to action 

Headcount Analysis

Data: Employee Headcount Source
Topics: Display headcount information including trends and how many are joining or leaving each department
Main Insights: Understand headcount trends and ID turnover issues in any departments that should be addressed

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